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SIMION Discussion Group

Simion 8.1 At Asms2011

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The list of ASMS2011 posters related to SIMION is at [1]. I'll be at ASMS to support SIMION users, so you can also likely find me at Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. booth #115 if you want to discuss anything SIMION. The major news is that SIMION 8.1.0 is approaching release in a month, and we are taking orders for the upgrade now. 8.1.0-TEST2 (pre-release) will be made available right after ASMS to all users who have purchased SIMION (or an 8.1 upgrade) this year. We have big plans for SIMION in evolving core areas.


[1] http://simion.com/docs/asms2011posters.pdf

[2] http://simion.com/info/simion81.html

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