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[announce] importing cad files into simion/sl with new utili

David Manura

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We have a new "patools.exe" utility under beta testing that provides

the following functions:


- import 3D CAD files into SIMION (STL --> PA conversion)

- import 2D bitmap (BMP/PNG/GIF/PNM) files into SIMION as 2D

potential arrays.

- export potential and field maps from refined PA files as text.

- export PA files into CAD (PA --> STL conversion).

- quickly view PA and STL files from Windows Explorer (OpenGL)


Check out the tutorial first:


"Potential Array Tools Tutorial: Importing/Exporting PA Files"


[ http://www.simion.com/sl/pa_tut.html ]


Existing SL customers may download this utility free, as part of the

upgrade plan. The final version of patools.exe will be part of the

upcoming SL toolkit v.1.1.


Feedback is greatly appreciated, especially during this beta testing

stage. Any very technical feedback should probably be directed to

the SL users group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/simion-sl/) or to



Best regards,

David Manura

Scientific Instrument Services, Inc.

908-788-5550 x831, dm.oohay[-at-]sisweb.com


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